The police arrested a person along with an elephant tusk from Khudunabari in the Jhapa district on Thursday. The arrested has been identified as Ramesh Rai, 25, a resident of Ilam and currently living in Arjundhara Municipality-3 in Jhapa district.
Rai was involved in the smuggling and sale of elephant tusks in Kathmandu on 11 March 2022, according to Superintendent of Police Shyam Kumar Mahato, Spokesperson for the Central Investigation Bureau, Nepal Police. Rai has been sent to the Division Forest Office, Hattisar for further investigation, he said.
Earlier, the police arrested Bhakti Kumar Limbu, 58, and Ashok Karki, 42, both from Jhapa and Ramesh Subedi, 43, from Panchthar for supplying and selling elephants tusks.