In Bharatpur Metropolitan City, the five-party alliance has maintained the lead. Renu Dahal of the CPN (Maoist Center), who has become the chief candidate from the alliance, has maintained the lead. Counting 2,968 votes, she has maintained the lead with 98 votes.
Dahal received 1,105 votes. CPN (UML) ‘s Vijay Subedi got 1,007 votes while independent candidate Jagannath Poudel got 390 votes.
Similarly, Chitrasen Adhikari of the Nepali Congress of the same alliance got 1,226 votes. His rival Himala Gurung of the alliance with UML got 830 votes.
Similarly, Keshav Maharjan of Nepali Congress and Shukra Kumar Shrestha of UML got 1,244 and 1,199 votes respectively in the recently counted ward no. 1
One lakh 27 thousand 839 votes have been cast in the local level election held last Friday. In other municipalities of the district, Ratnanagar and Khairhani have the lead of the five-party alliance while Madi, Kalika, Rapti and Ichchakamana have the lead.