Number of people leaving for foreign employment increases

July 3, 2022

 The number of Nepali workers going abroad for employment has increased since May. More than 17,000 Nepalis have gone for foreign employment and an average of 2,000 Nepalis are flying abroad daily.

According to the Department of Foreign Employment, the number of Nepalis going abroad has reached 62,349.

In April, an average of 1,500 people went abroad daily, but in May, that number has exceeded an average of 2,000. Last month, 34,807 Nepalis went abroad with new labor permits, while the rest renewed their old labor permits.

Due to the local level elections, the number of workers renewing their work permits was said to had decreased in April. Of the 55,000 people who left, 27,156 had obtained new labor permits while others had renewed their work permits.

According to the Department, the number of Nepalis going abroad has returned at a regular pace as the crisis in foreign employment due to the Corona epidemic has been receding for the past two years.

Even now, the number of Nepalis going to the Gulf countries Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE is very high. According to the department, 24 thousand 363 Nepalis had gone abroad for employment.