Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has directed to immediately implement the cabinet’s decision on opening land plotting. The cabinet had decided to open the land plotting on April 18.
Prime Minister Dahal issued such a directive while receiving a six-point memorandum submitted by a delegation led by the Chairperson of Nepal Land and Housing Developers’ Association, Bheshraj Lohani, on Monday.
Association Secretary Ram Sundar Bake said the Prime Minister instructed to immediately implement the decision made by the government to arrange land plotting as per the previous provision.
PM Dahal through the Chief Secretary asked the secretary of the Land Reform Ministry to implement the government’s decision.
Saying it was necessary to make the real estate business dynamic to improve the country’s economic condition, the Prime Minister mentioned that the government would bring the decision into implementation by publishing it in Nepal Gazette.
Bake shared, “Prime Minister is fully positive towards our demands. So he through Chief Secretary asked to implement the cabinet’s decision and make arrangements for land plotting as previously.”