The only news agency in the country, Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS) turned 62 on Sunday. The RSS was founded on February 18, 1962 (2018 BS) by merging then two news agencies operating in the private sector.
Since its inception, RSS has been collecting and disseminating official, reliable, and fact-based news under the major theme of ‘Communications for Development’. The ‘Nepal Sambad Committee’ and ‘Sagarmata Sambad Committee’ were merged to form the government-run ‘Rastriya Sambad Samiti’ on 18 February 1962.
The Rastriya Samachar Samiti has been operating as an autonomous organization following the introduction of the Rastriya Samachar Samiti Act, 2019 B.S.
RSS has currently established offices in all seven provinces according to the federal structure of the country. It has been continuously disseminating its news-based products through online service to its subscribers including radio, newspapers, television, and online news portals all over the country from 6 am to 11 pm every day. It also started the audio-visual service on July 17, 2022.
The state-owned news agency has been providing news products in Nepali and English languages while it also provides international news of various new agencies, as well as articles, audio and visuals, and photographs.