Voting has been postponed in a polling station in Gulmi-1 during the House of Representatives and State Assembly elections. Chief Electoral Officer said that the polling center at Bhagwati Secondary School in Urbeni, Kaligandaki Rural Municipality-2 of the district has been postponed.
Chief Electoral Officer Judge Paudel said that the election process was suspended after the direct ballots of the Provincial Assembly were placed in the place where the direct ballots of the House of Representatives were cast while the voting was in progress. Out of 1,369 voters in the polling station, 664 have voted.
Apart from this center, the office of the Chief Electoral Officer said that preparations are being made to bring the ballot boxes to the district headquarters, after voting in other polling centers in the district.
Similarly, voting was stopped for 2 hours in the center of Chapahile Secondary School of Malika rural municipality-5 of Gulmi district. There are 223 thousand 615 voters in the district. Voting is taking place in 279 polling stations in the district.
More than 2,500 security personnel and 2,000 more employees have been mobilized for the election. There are 60 candidates in the electoral competition for 6 elected people’s representatives in 2 representative assemblies and 4 provincial assemblies in the district.