Passengers were in trouble on Wednesday afternoon as three consecutive metro services were cancelled. A woman passenger fell and was injured in a stampede at Dum Dum station. According to Kolkata Metro Rail sources, “On Wednesday at 12:40 pm, a metro train from Dakshineswar to Kabi Subhash developed a mechanical glitch. The metro train was not starting at all. As a result, the metro was evacuated. After removing the rake from the line, the service was resumed. The next rake started with an interval of just 10 minutes.”
After this incident, passengers started complaining that the three metro trains were cancelled or the service was disrupted due to some other reason, and anger was seen growing among the passengers. Although three consecutive metro trains were run to deal with the situation, the crowd could not be managed. As soon as a metro train entered Dum Dum station, passengers rushed to board it. Putul De, a resident of Belgharia, was boarding the metro with other passengers. At that time, other passengers pushed her from behind and she immediately fell inside the metro. It is reported that she suffered an injury to her leg. Apart from the woman from Belgharia, some other passengers were allegedly unable to board the metro. However, a metro official denied the reports of any rush and said, “There was no rush among the passengers. We are constantly monitoring the CCTV cameras.”