Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt, on the occasion of her 29th birthday, introduced fans to Isha, her character from the upcoming Ayan Mukherjee directorial ‘Brahmastra’, co-starring her beau Ranbir Kapoor.
Alia took to her Instagram handle and shared a 31-second teaser of ‘Brahmastra‘ that began with a glimpse at Alia and Ranbir as Isha and Shiva respectively. It then went on to show her in several different avatars, ranging from soft romantic, bubbly, and chirpy to fearless and determined.
In the post’s caption, the actor wrote, “Happy birthday to me. Can’t think of a better day and a better way for you’ll to meet Isha .. Ayan my wonder boy. I love you. Thank you! #brahmastra.”