Virat Kohli and his wife Anushka Sharma hosted a special dinner for Royal Challengers Bangalore players and support staff at his restaurant in Mumbai on Wednesday. The gracious hosts looked absolutely gorgeous as they always do. Anushka teamed up a sleeveless striped white shirt with white pants, while Virat opted for a printed shirt.
While the couple was posing for the paps outside the restaurant, a paparazzo mistakenly called Anushka as ‘Sir’. The former Indian captain did not let this opportunity go in vain without poking some fun. He said to the paps, “Virat ma’am bhi bol de ek baar.” (Please tell Virat ‘Ma’am’ once!) The couple and the paps burst into laughter. Several videos of the incident went viral.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma at One8 Commune Restaurant in Juhu.
A guy by mistake says Anushka sir.