Even though the distribution of ‘smart’ driver’s licenses has started to make it technology-friendly, service users are forced to face problems due to technological error.
Some of the information in the permit is different from the traffic management office. The driver’s license service is not becoming fully technology-friendly, and there are problems even with the services that have started.
Rajkumar Kapali, head of Transport Management Office Ekantakuna, said that there are various problems with the ten-year-old permit. “Especially the problem has been found with the old license, it may have happened due to server corruption”, he said.
Chief Kapali said that people are renewing their permits but there is a problem that is not visible in the system with technology. “If the light goes out while doing the renovation work, there is a problem of not being visible in the system, in such a case, the customer’s money is deducted and the renovation has also been done”, he said. Chief Kapali said that since there are problems during the renovation, preparations are being made to expand the service in coordination with the department to solve the problem.
The transport office which was previously under the union has been transferred to the state government with the promulgation of the new constitution. System management and printing of the permit are being done by the department and other related offices.
Chief Kapali said that because the department is under the federal government and the office is under the provincial government, there is a lack of coordination, so there is a problem in printing the permit. He said, “During service delivery when the service recipient has a problem, the department tells the province to go to the province and the province to go to the department.”
According to the Transport Management Office, 80 percent of the problem of the old road has been solved. It is said that there is a plan to solve these problems by June 2080. According to Chief Kapali, there may have been a mistake while entering the data by looking at the previous Dhadda. He said that after the government said to make government offices paperless, the Bagmati state government is also discussing and working according to the same concept.
Stating that the ministry has been informed that the paper will be removed within three months, he informed that six and a half to seven lakhs is yet to be removed from the bank.