Chief Election Commissioner Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya has informed that polling has been postponed in 28 out of 44 polling stations of 17 local levels in 14 districts so far due to unpleasant incidents other than occasional disputes in some places.
He further added that the police had to use force in some places due to the escalated tensions between the political parties and the candidates during the election.
He informed that the election officials had postponed the election in some localities due to inclement weather and heavy rains.
The voting process will start soon on the basis of the situation of the polling stations where voting has been postponed. It will take place in coordination with the Election Commission of the concerned Election Officer.
Arrangements will be made to transport ballot boxes by helicopter in some Himalayan districts tomorrow.
Ballot boxes have been sealed from the polling stations peacefully and transported to the office of the concerned Election Officer. Chief Commissioner Thapaliya felt that the polling did not take place as expected by the Election Commission.
According to preliminary results, the commission is not satisfied with the 52 percent turnout. The commission had expected a 65 to 72 percent turnout. Similarly, the commission has made a preliminary estimate that security arrangements were not what they should have been.
The commission has stated that votes will be counted at some local levels today. Despite receiving ballot boxes, the counting of votes will start tomorrow in some places.