Shumsher Cricket Club Kanpur of India has reached the final of the Indo-Nepal T-20 Mills Cup Cricket Competition being held in Biratnagar.
In the semi-final match played on Saturday at the stadium of Biratnagar Jute Mills, Shumsher Cricket Club defeated Sanni Cricket Club Katiyar of India by 113 runs to secure its game in the final.
Losing the toss, the team Kanpur made 222 runs in 20 overs by losing six wickets. Likewise, the Sanni Cricket Club Katiyar managed just 109 runs in 14.4 bowling by losing all wickets.
Kanpur’s all-rounder Rahul Singh was prized with ‘Man of the Match’ for taking six wickets.
The final game of the tournament is taking place between Kanpur and Purwachal Cricket Club, Biratnagar on Tuesday.