Kamalu Din Mansuri has been making dasna (cotton mattresses) for about 24 years. In Nepal, many people prefer dasna over mattresses as it is more comfortable. Moreover, dasnas last forever. “Once you get a dasna, it will last you a lifetime. Even if it tears, the cotton inside can be used to make a new one”, he says. “It is more comfortable than normal mattresses because it is completely made up of cotton”, he explains.
Mansuri is busier during winter as demand increases. He hires extra help him with work. “I work alone during other seasons. But I need help to complete orders during the winter. Currently there are three boys working for me”, he says.
There is a correct form of making dasnas. The cotton needs to be checked thoroughly for lumps and bumps. Then it needs to be resuffered and beaten properly to make sure there are no lumps and bumps in it. “Beating cotton has its own technique and style”, Mansuri says.