Delhi police have arrested three persons in connection to an incident in which around Rs 51.50 lakh cash was stolen from a cash van in the Sarai Rohilla area, officials said on Friday.
According to police, the incident took place near Inderlok Metro station in the Sarai Rohilla area on Monday last.
The arrested accused have been identified as Satish Kumar (34), a resident of Uttam Nagar, Delhi, Chetan Sharma (23) and Pratham Sharma (25) - both residents of Jhajjar, Haryana.
The police recovered from the arrested accused Rs 45,86,500 of the stolen cash, police said.
"The police have recovered Rs. 35,48,500, Rs. 10,38,000, Rs. 2,800 from Satish Kumar, Chetan Sharma and Pratham Sharma respectively. The car belonging to accused Pratham Sharma which was used to transport the stolen money is yet to be recovered," said G Ram Gopal Naik, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Metro).
"Two accused namely Ankit and Nitin are at large. Sincere efforts are being made to trace and arrest them," he added.
The incident is said to have occurred on Monday when the cash van arrived to deposit money in the ATM.
During this time, everyone was outside the vehicle near the ATM, while the driver was alone inside (the vehicle).
"There were about Rs 51 lakh in the van, which the driver took and fled," said police. (ANI)