Around 500 people have undergone health check-up at a three-day free health camp in Dudhpokhari Gaonpalika-2 on Dashian. Dr Bishwaraj Dawadi and Dr Khilas Dawadi, co-treasurers of the Nepal Medical Association, examined the patient.
Dr Dawadi said that he has been conducting such camps as the problem of various diseases is complicated and the access to health services has not been expanded in the rural areas yet. Stating that many locals have been relieved when the locals suffering from various health problems get free health check-ups and medicines as there is no hospital in the village.
Social worker Kalika Prasad Dawadi informed that medicines worth Rs 1.5 million were distributed free of cost to the patients from private sources. Ward Chairman Govinda Dawadi said that the village municipality would also facilitate the operation of such camps in the coming days.