The Nepalgunj-Kohalpur road section of Ratna Raj Marg has started to be removed. According to Hom Bahadur AC, in the build-up area, the structure up to 21 meters will be allowed to remain as per the earlier decision. The Kohalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry has demanded seven days from the locals saying that they have not received any information about the removal of the encroachment.
A written decision has been made to give seven days in the presence of Chief District Officer Surya Bahadur Khatri after the local businessmen asked for time. If the road area is not cleared within seven days, the road division will remove it. Entrepreneurs in Kohalpur have started removing structures from Piprahawa after asking for time.
The local householder, however, complained that the road division did not inform them whether their house was in the road area or not.