Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayankaji Shrestha has directed the officials at the Home Ministry and its line agencies to ensure systematic, effective and result-oriented performance.
At a review meeting at the Ministry on Monday, the DPM said that the administration should be reformed to ensure results.
Shrestha also said that the Ministry is working to form different taskforces to bring about reforms in the service delivery.
Likewise, the DPM said that prosperity will not be achieved by following the past working style, culture and speed, and directed the officials to mend their working style.
Saying that the government has focused good-governance, social justice and prosperity, Shrestha stated that good-governance is the precondition for the nation’s prosperity. “We need to make a new beginning and should make a step forward,” according to Shrestha.
Stating that the government was firm on achieving prosperity by bringing economy on right track, the Deputy Prime Minister hoped that things will move ahead after the reforms on economy.
He added that the government’s move against corruption, forgery, impunity and crime will not stop until the good-governance was maintained.
On the occasion, National Planning Commission Vice-Chairman Dr Min Bahadur Shrestha shared that the Home Ministry’s performance has raised hope among the general public.
Sufficient budget for the strengthening of the security agencies could be managed after the growth in revenue collection and availability of other resources, Vice-Chairman Shrestha viewed.
During the review meeting, Home Secretary Dinesh Kumar Bhattarai, Inspector General of Nepal Police Basanta Kunwar, Inspector General of Armed Police Force Nepal Raju Aryal and other officials at the Home Ministry were present.