Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said on Saturday that he is discharging his duty with a firm commitment to work for the cause of the country and people. Inaugurating the administrative building of Panchakanya Rural Municipality in Nuwakot district, the PM said that the government is providing services to the people in an accessible manner with cooperation from the private and public institutions. PM Dahal recalled that the public have got services on driving license, passport and national identity card without any hassles. "Several jobs have been done for the cause of people. The Nepali migrant workers have been brought to the ambit of the social security fund and the students got textbooks in time. We have been taking stern action against ill-practices, wrongdoings and corruption," the PM said. On the occasion, the PM said that agreements have been signed with India during his recent visit to keep Nepali heads high. The PM reiterated that discussions were held with the Indian government officials and leaders for our national interests, economic progress, development and prosperity. "Nepal is proud of the issues raised during the India visit. The industrialists are happy. I am happy that I could do a great job for the national interests," according to the PM. Also speaking at the inaugural programme, Minister for Finance Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat said that the grants given in the agriculture sector would not be misused now onwards adding that the grants will be given on the basis of production. "The state will give grants to those who advance their agriculture business within an innovative idea to develop entrepreneurship," the Finance Minister argued. Dr Mahat said that the government has targeted to link up all 753 local levels with the investments and employment generation. The administrative building of Panchakanya Rural Municipality was built at the cost of Rs 60 million, Chairman of Rural Municipality Tej Bahadur Tamang said.