KUKL addresses drinking water shortage in Kathmandu valley

February 6, 2023

Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (KUKL) has said that there is a huge gap between the demand and supply of drinking water in Kathmandu Valley at the moment. Currently, 260 million liters of water is being supplied daily, but the demand has exceeded 470 million liters.

KUKL has said that since the Melamchi will be closed after the rainy season, they have started looking for an alternative. KUKL spokesperson Prakash Rai informed that a new 20-inch pipe is going to be laid to add 100 million liters of water during the rainy season.

According to KUKL, other alternative sources are also being sought to meet the water demand. The study of the Sisneri drinking water project has also started to bring water from the Sisneri of Makwanpur.