Chief Minister of Gandaki Province Krishna Chandra Nepali Pokharel has been elected Nepali Congress (NC) central member. According to election results that took place under the NC's 14th General Convention, Pokharel, who filed his candidacy under the province open category, secured 3,306 votes.
Similarly, Dhurba Wagle was also elected NC central member with 2,720 votes. He filed his candidacy under the province open category. Of four candidates (Pokharel, Wagle, Shibhiyat Bahadur Adhikari, and Resham Bahadur Baniya) for the post, two—Pokharel and Wagle—have been elected. Adhikari and Baniya got 2,034 votes and 1,938 votes respectively, according to the NC central election commission.
Likewise, Saraswati Aryal Tiwari has been elected NC central member under the women's category.
Talking to media persons shortly after being elected, CM Pokharel said that he would make his efforts to pass on and hand over experiences and teachings to the next generation through interaction between youths and the old generation, stating that this general convention's mandate was to give youths opportunities.
He also stressed the need for the party leadership to actively mobilize NC cadres across the country to make the party victorious in the next elections.