Bollywood star Sidharth Malhotra just completed a decade in the showbiz industry. From being our 'Munda Kukkad Kamaal Da' to our own 'Shershaah', the 37-year-old is is 'fastening' his seat belt for Karan Johar's upcoming first action franchise film. On this special day when Sidharth's debut movie 'Student of the Year' clocks 10 years, let's take a look at his transformation journey over the years.
Sidharth Malhotra dropped this 'cute' image of himself from his youth, way before he began his acting career.
Sidharth Malhotra totally nailed the six-pack ab look, surely the Internet was set on fire when this shot from his song 'Munda Kukkad Kamal Da' went viral.
Sidharth Malhotra gained massive weight approximately 10kgs for 'Brothers' with pure muscle mass. The actor had to follow a strict diet and exercise schedule for the movie.
Known for his 'chocolate boy' image in the industry, Sidharth switched his genre and became an action hero for his recent hit 'Shershaah'. The 37-year-old star portrayed the role of an Indian army officer, where his role and acting skills were a total game-changer and a turning point in his acting career.
Sidharth Malhotra is 'fastening' his seat belt for Karan Johar's first action franchise film. Sidharth's intense avatar from the first look of 'Yodha' is already doing the rounds of social media.