Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan took the internet by storm with her gorgeous pictures from a Dubai event. SRK posted a quirky comment.
Taking to Instagram, Suhana posted three pictures, oozing charm, grace and glamour. In the first picture, Suhana rocked a halter-neck black gown. In the second frame, Suhana is seen with her mother Gauri Khan and bestie Shanaya Kapoor. Apart from the black dress, Suhana also looks gorgeous in the pink-coloured bodycon dress.
King Khan wrote on Suhana's pic, "Too elegant contrary to the pyjamas u wear around the house!!!"
Suhana's besties Ananya Panday and Shanaya Kapoor also gave her a shout-out for her gorgeous pictures.
In the last few months, Suhana has become the favourite of the Paparazzi. She is now captured at salons, restaurants and film parties at regular basis.
Suhana will make her debut with Zoya Akhtar's Netflix original 'The Archies'. Apart from Suhana, Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agstya Nanda, Boney Kapoor's younger daughter Khushi Kapoor will step into the world of showbiz with this movie. Suhana's rumoured relationship with Agstya has hit the headlines recently.
Time will tell, whether it's a publicity stunt to promote their first film or not.