Informal classes have been started for 40 child laborers working in the brick industry in Kapilvastu‘s Shivaraj Municipality. Mayor Netra Raj Adhikari said that the three-month class was conducted targeting child laborers working in the brick industry in the city.
Inaugurating the informal class on Monday, the mayor said that no one can stop the rights of children. He said that the city has conducted classes in collaboration with various organizations as children of any country have the right to study. According to him, the children of the brick industry workers should be aware of this as they are not paying attention to education. “Keep in mind about the children while hiring workers,” said the Chief Official, “If children are found to be employed, the city will not renew the industry, so be careful. ”
Non-formal education has been started to provide access to education to the children, said Purna Bishwakarma, an official of the Education Branch of Shivaraj Municipality. He said that the class has been started for three months in the initial stage as workers come according to the season.
In the first phase, classes were conducted for only three children working in the brick industry, said Meena Pariyar, Chairperson of the Dalit Human Rights Monitoring Committee. She said that the class was conducted targeting 40 people working in Janata Brick Industry, Star Brick Industry, and Kapilvastu Brick Industry.
The Shivraj Municipality has selected Kuslawati Chipi as the facilitator in conducting the class. He will teach daily from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Dalit Human Rights Monitoring Committee has managed the necessary educational materials for the children in the inauguration program. Copies, pens, bags, and other materials were provided, said Chairman Pariyar. According to the data collected by the Dalit Human Rights Monitoring Committee, 69 children are working in 12 brick factories in Shivaraj Nagar.