Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has congratulated India on the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the surface of the moon. In a tweet on Wednesday, he congratulated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and all the scientists of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the notable feat.
Prime Minister Dahal has said that the successful landing of Chandrayaan is a historic achievement in science and space technology. He mentioned that with this success of India, the human race has achieved another important achievement in space exploration, research and new possibilities.
Stating that this success will serve as a great inspiration to scientists and researchers around the world, Dahal has congratulated his counterpart Modi, the Government of India and the people of India on behalf of the Government of Nepal and the people of Nepal for unleashing a historic achievement in science and space technology.
India successfully landed Chandrayaan-3 on the South Pole of the Moon earlier on Wednesday.