In Bharatpur Metropolitan City, 31,528 votes are yet to be counted. So far, 96,311 votes have been counted in the municipality, according to the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer. According to the office, the numbers 1 to 20 of the metropolis have been counted.
According to the latest tally, Renu Dahal, a candidate from the CPN (Maoist Center) in a five-party alliance, has taken the lead with 8,295 votes. While Dahal got 37,928 votes, Vijay Subedi of the CPN (UML) got 29,633 votes. Independent candidate Jagannath Poudel has received 12,463 votes.
Chitrasen Adhikari of Nepali Congress has taken the lead over Himala Gurung of RPP by a margin of 16,678 votes. While Adhikari got 40,121 votes, Gurung got 23,443 votes. Counting of votes in wards 21 and 22 is underway in Bharatpur. There are 29 wards in this municipality. In the local level election 2022 AD, 1,27,839 votes were cast here.