Sixteen-year-old Dinesh Bhatta of Chadepani, Dogadakedar Rural Municipality-7, who has been implicated in rape and subsequent murder of a teenage girl, has been sent to the juvenile correction centre in Silgadhi, Doti district.
Dinesh has been accused of taking the life of Bhagarathi Bhatta, 17, of the same village, after raping her. Bhagarathi was found dead below the Khochalek-Chadepani rural road in local Lawalek forest on February 4.
A single bench of Justice Tilak Bahadur Karki at Baitadi District Court on Wednesday had remanded Dinesh Bhatta to the correction centre.
The court's registrar Janak Sigh Bohara told NepalNews that the court has just issued the order to remand the accused to the correction centre and that it has yet to deliver the verdict. He asserted that the hearing on Bhagarathi Bhatta's case has been delayed as there are numerous cases that are still pending owing to the disruption in the hearing since the nationwide-lockdown was imposed. Registrar Bohara recollected all the cases and said that the court will have delivered the verdict by mid-July.
He shared that the court had remanded the accused to the correction centre as he is below 18 years.
After investigation into the incident, police made Dinesh public, on February 16. Dinesh had confessed to police that he had raped and murdered Bhagarathi out of vengeance since their family had been sharing a strained relationship.
Registrar Bohara further shared that the victim and the accused were related as second cousins, which Bhagarathi's uncle Shivaraj Bhatta confirmed.