Three teenage girls were found hanging from a tree in the border village of Kachankawal in southern Jhapa today. Deputy Superintendent of Police Vasant Pathak informed that three teenage girls were found hanging from a tree of Sunkosi tea plantation in Kachankawal-5 Pathamari.
According to him, 17-year-old Anjali Ganesh, 16-year-old Kareena Ganesh and 16-year-old Kalpana Ganesh of Kachankawal-5 were found hanging from a banyan tree in Bagan. Although it is assumed that they may have committed mass suicide, the cause of suicide has not been revealed.
He said that they were working in the same tea garden and had been out of touch from home since Saturday afternoon and the local residents informed the police when they saw them hanging from a tree this morning. Deputy Superintendent said that the police have been deployed at the scene and the investigation is proceeding.